Een ogenblik geduld a.u.b.

Company reports for regional benchmarking hubs now also in local language

door Peter Dane

Responding to requests from utilities in Central- and Eastern Europe, in addition to the benchmarking reports in the English language EBC has also provided reports in local languages.

In the past few months, EBC and its partner ABF Research made a significant effort to enable choosing between English (the default programme language) and local languages. With the indispensable help of volunteers from several companies and national water utility associations - who we are very grateful for all their precise work! - the data entry module of the benchmarking platform as well as the company reports are now available in:

  • Albanian
  • Bulgarian
  • Dutch
  • Serbian
  • Ukrainian

The EBC-team thinks that translation into local languages is very helpful for a proper understanding of the results of the benchmarking exercises, to disseminate the results to a wider group of stakeholders and to better facilitate utility staff to improve their business processes. From this perspective, we plan to add more local languages to the platform in future. Do you have any suggestion for this? Are you interested in helping us as a volunteer? Please contact us at and we will get back to you.