Een ogenblik geduld a.u.b.

IB2019 Benchmarking Coordinator of the Year Award

ui_news_lbl_by (not translated) Tom Bijkerk
Thursday 19 November 2020, the IB2019 plenary took place. Unfortunattely not in-person but online due to the ongoing pandemic. Luckily some elements remained the same: during the session the winners of the "Benchmarking Coordinator of the Year Awards" were announced!  

This year the throphy was awarded to the benchmarking coordinators/teams of JSC Mosvodokanal & Turun Vesihuolto Oy.

Below you will find a short response given by representatives of both utilities:  


The Award was introduced years ago for the joy of the participants but became a tradition with a serious note. The role of the benchmarking co-ordinator is key in the success of the programme. Data quality, reliability and knowledge sharing increase exponentially with an active and engaged co-ordinator. The awarding ceremony is thé moment to underline this important role.

The EBC-team congratulates the winners of this year’s award and encourages them to continue their good work!