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Registration for EBCs Annual Benchmarking workshop (Western European Programme) now open

ui_news_lbl_by (not translated) Tom Bijkerk

Registration for EBC’s 12th annual Benchmarking Workshop for participants in the Western European Programme is now open! The workshop takes place from 15 to 16 November in Athens, Greece with a welcome reception in the evening of the 14th. 


EYDAP, the utility that provides Athens with both water- and wastewater services, has kindly offered to host and sponsor the IB2017 benchmarking workshop.

Delegates from the particpants in the Western European programme can now register via a seperate website. Furthermore participants can find all the lates data and information on the programme and the logistics at this dedicated website which can be found here.  

Contrary to the preliminary dates which were mentioned in the Call to Register the workshop will take place on 15 & 16 November. We have chosen to move the workshop as the preliminary dates, mentioned in the Call to Register, coincided with the EurEau 2018 congress.