Een ogenblik geduld a.u.b.

Registration for IB2016 still possible

ui_news_lbl_by (not translated) Tom Bijkerk

Over the last two weeks the EBC-project team received several question about the possibilities to still join IB2016. On the first of May the 11th edition of the International Benchmarking exercise for Western European water- and wastewater utilities started. With participants from 20 different countries it promises to be an interesting exercise again. 

Although the project started last month, it is still possible to join the Western European group. Utilities that wish to join are still very welcome. It is important though, to keep in mind that delayed registration may result in not being included in the draft and/or final report.

When interested in joining the exercise, please contact the EBC-project team by e-mail or by phone: +31 70 205 78 30 to discuss the possibilities.